• VERSE 1

    O God, be merciful to me,

    for I have put my trust in You.

    I hide beneath Your outstretched wings

    until the storms have passed from view.

    The One to whom I cry

    is God, the Lord Most High,

    fulfilling all His plans for me;

    O faithful God, show mercy!

    VERSE 2

    From heaven He will send my help

    and put to shame the trampling foe.

    My God will send His steadfast love;

    His faithfulness will be made known.

    My soul engulfed by fears,

    attacked by swords and spears.

    O God, be praised above the heavens

    and let Your glory fill the earth.

    VERSE 3

    They set a net before my steps;

    my soul bowed down in deep despair.

    They dug a pit before my way

    but stumbled into their own snare.

    My heart is fixed, O God,

    my heart is fixed, O God!

    So I will sing a song of praise

    and from my heart make melody!


    Awake, O psaltery!

    Awake, O harp!

    Awake, my glory!

    I will awake the dawn!


    VERSE 4

    Now I will thank You, Lord Most High,

    among the peoples sing Your praise,

    for matchless is Your steadfast love;

    it reaches to the heavens above!

    Your faithfulness abounds,

    extending to the clouds.

    O God be praised above the heavens

    and let Your glory fill the earth.

  • This Psalm setting is dedicated to my pastor, colaborer, mentor, and friend, Jeremy Sweatt.

  • Copyright 2018 by Josh Sparkman. All rights reserved.

    Ignite Hymns Usage Policy: This song is available for free for congregational use, provided no changes are made to the text or music and no financial benefit is made from its use. Contact us with any questions or for other uses.