Words: The Scottish Psalter, 1650, alt.
Music: Josh Sparkman

  • VERSE 1
    How long will You forget me, Lord?
    Shall it forever be?
    O how long shall it be that You
    will hide Your face from me?

    How long take counsel in my soul,
    with sorrow deep in me?
    How long exalted over me
    shall be my enemy?

    VERSE 2
    O Lord my God, consider me
    and answer my complaint.
    My eyes enlighten, lest the sleep
    of death should make me faint.

    So that no enemy should say,
    "Against him I prevailed."
    Or those that trouble me rejoice,
    when I am moved and failed.

    VERSE 3
    But I have set my confidence
    upon Your steadfast love.
    My heart within me shall rejoice
    at rescue from above.
    I will unto the Lord my God
    sing praises cheerfully,
    because He has His bounty shown
    to me abundantly.

  • Copyright 2020 by Josh Sparkman. All rights reserved.

    Ignite Hymns Usage Policy: This song is available for free for congregational use, provided no changes are made to the text or music and no financial benefit is made from its use. Contact us with any questions or for other uses.