Words and Music: Josh Sparkman

  • VERSE 1

    Come rejoice, raise your voice to the risen Christ:

    Glory be, glory be!

    Bring your praise, for His grave is ablaze with life:

    Glory be, glory be!


    Glory be, glory be!

    We will let this anthem ring

    to our mighty, conq’ring King:

    “Glory be, glory be!”

    VERSE 2

    To the Lamb slain for us on that darkest day,

    glory be, glory be!

    To the Lion who rose and made death the prey,

    glory be, glory be!

    VERSE 3

    To the King who returns to destroy the night,

    glory be, glory be!

    To the Son who will reign in unending light,

    glory be, glory be!

    VERSE 4

    Hear the song roaring on through eternity,

    “Glory be, glory be!”

    No more fears, no more tears, as we ever sing,

    “Glory be, glory be!”

  • Copyright 2024 by Josh Sparkman. All rights reserved.

    Ignite Hymns Usage Policy: This song is available for free for congregational use, provided no changes are made to the text or music and no financial benefit is made from its use. Contact us with any questions or for other uses.