Words and Music: Josh Sparkman

  • VERSE 1
    Come, let us sing unto the Lord!
    Come, let us joyfully adore our Savior.
    Shout to our God!
    Shout to our Rock with songs of thankful praise,

    for the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods.
    Creation within His hand,
    the Maker of sea and land,
    and He is our God.

    VERSE 2
    Come, let us bow before the Lord!
    Come, let us worship here before our Maker.
    He is our God;
    we are His flock.
    Oh come and kneel in awe,

    for the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods.
    Creation within His hand,
    the Maker of sea and land,
    and He is our God.

    Hear His voice and know His ways;
    guard your heart and do not stray.
    Generations saw His acts
    yet rebelled and stirred His wrath.

    So, while it remains today,
    do not turn and fall away.
    Cling to Christ until the end;
    you will find eternal rest,

    CHORUS 2
    for the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods,
    the Savior of all who hide
    in Jesus the crucified,
    and He is our God.

    CHORUS 2
    For the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods,
    the Savior of all who hide
    in Jesus the crucified,
    and He is our God;

    and He is our God.

  • Copyright 2024 by Josh Sparkman. All rights reserved.

    Ignite Hymns Usage Policy: This song is available for free for congregational use, provided no changes are made to the text or music and no financial benefit is made from its use. Contact us with any questions or for other uses.