Words and Music: Josh Sparkman and Zach Sparkman

  • VERSE 1
    Come, draw near, oh Church of God;
    come into His presence.
    God invites His people near;
    enter now with confidence.

    Jesus has torn the curtain down—
    sinners welcomed in!
    You have nothing left to fear;
    boldly come to Him.

    Oh come, draw near!
    God’s presence is your home.
    Oh come, rejoice!
    For you are welcome at the throne.

    VERSE 2
    Come, draw near to Christ our Priest,
    merciful, compassionate.
    Hear Him plead on your behalf;
    you can trust your Advocate.

    Come, bring your guilt and bring your grief—
    Jesus hears your cry!
    Timid saint, you have His ear;
    none will be denied.

    VERSE 3
    Come, draw near the throne of grace,
    Fount of help so strong and wide.
    Oh, you fainting, thirsting soul,
    drink until your satisfied.

    Arms open wide, Jesus gently calls:
    ”Come, you weary, come!”
    All your burdens Christ will bear;
    taste His faithful love.

    VERSE 4
    Come, oh heart that beats for home,
    longing for your final rest,
    Heaven’s city waits for you;
    endless peace and righteousness.

    There you will see Him face to face—
    always, ever near!
    Journey on with joy and hope;
    Christian, persevere.

  • Copyright 2021 by Josh Sparkman and Zach Sparkman. All rights reserved.

    Ignite Hymns Usage Policy: This song is available for free for congregational use, provided no changes are made to the text or music and no financial benefit is made from its use. Contact us with any questions or for other uses.